Francesca Marano interviendra à 16h30 dans la Salle de Classe pour une conférence sur How to Effectively Manage the Editorial Process in a Multi-Author Blog ?
Some years ago, I was lucky enough to be part of an inspiring and vibrant group of Italian female entrepreneurs sharing their stories in an online chat group. In 2013, we decided to add some structure to our exchanges and launch a blog. Five years later, the blog is still going strong and quite popular in Italy. It grew from a few friends contributing to 10 regular authors and 50 guest contributors. I’ll share the challenges we encountered over the years trying to create a smooth process for the growing number of authors and my experience in keeping the quality consistent while maintaining a schedule relevant to the audience’s expectations. I’ll recommend best practices including how to manage user permissions, how to assign editing and curation, deciding who has the final editorial say, and delegating the task of actually getting the content online. I will share practical solutions, based on what worked for us, that many different types of teams can use to coordinate their efforts and keep things in check.
Something about yourself…
Hi, I am Francesca Marano, the WordPress Community Manager at SiteGround, international web hosting company. When I am not traveling around Europe and North America, to meet the WordPress Community, I call Torino, Italy, home.
Since when do you use WP and why ?
I started a personal blog on in 2008 and after I realised I had more fun tweaking the website than writing in it, I moved to Apparently people liked what I was doing and I got a few requests to create websites. A new career was born. I woked as a freelance web designer for six years and last year I joined SiteGround, without ever leaving WordPress. A platform that I love because of the freedom it gave to millions of people to tell their stories online and to million of businesses that can make a living out of it.
What are you going to talk about in your conf ?
I’ll show you how to run a multiauthor blog (we are talking about more than 60 authors) while keeping your sanity!
Your Chinese portrait …
If you were a Wapuu, you would be…
Gianduu, WordCamp Torino’s wapuu. I love chocolate 🙂
If you were a cookie, you would be…
Cantucci : sweet, a bit hard and better with wine
If you were a song, you would be…
« Started from the bottom » by Drake. I grew up in a small town in Italy, taught myself English and now I travel the world as part of my job
If you were a font, you would be…
Futura, straight but not narrow, old school but still very modern.
If you were an emoji, you would be…
😂, I am easily amused 😉
Which GIF represents you best ?
Anything Beyoncé. Her gifs don’t represent me, but they do motivate me when I need a bit of a pep talk. Starting from this =>
A voir également ici =>
You can read more about my job at SiteGround and my WordPress story in this article